
8 Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to a New School

Starting a new school can be very frightening for a child, particularly if the child is introverted or shy. Here are a few tips to help ease the transition:

1. If the new school offers an orientation, plan to attend with your child. For elementary age children, it is also might a good idea to arrange a meeting with the child�s teacher before she begins school. The teacher can tell your child a little about her class, and answer any of her questions.

2. Discuss any fears that your child may have about a new school. Help to calm her fears by either giving her more information, or explaining to her why her worst fears are unlikely to be realized.

3. Practice social skills with your child. Demonstrate how to introduce herself to new people, and then let her practice. Show her how she can start a conversation with a peer by making a positive comment about something the peer does or says.

4. Visit the school�s website, or get a brochure with information on extracurricular activities. Go through these materials with your child and see what piques her interest.

5. Remind your child how he has successfully started other �new� things without knowing people, perhaps it was his last school, a summer camp or a scout troop.

6. Create a consistent routine during the first several weeks of school. This gives your child a sense of stability during the adjustment phase.

7. Welcome new friends into your home and encourage your child to invite classmates for play dates.

8. Get involved with the new school yourself. Volunteer to be the teacher�s helper, go on field trips, or join the PTA. It will make your child feel more at home to see you involved at the school. In addition, you will be better informed when your child talks to you about what is happening at school.
About The Author
Cindy Jett, LICSW is a psychotherapist and author of Harry the Happy Caterpillar Grows, an acclaimed picture book that helps children adapt to change. For more information, visit
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