
Different Modes Of Learning Through Different Styles Of Play

Most parents these days know that there is more to their children playing around than just wasting time and being a goofball�the role of play is often more about developing necessary skills for life. To understand how this could be, compare a child's play to the way many other young mammals play. Look at small puppies for instance�they make a good example since we spend so much time around them anyhow. When puppies chase each other around and wrestle in your back yard, they are learning essential skills while getting much needed exercise.

This is the same with many ways that humans play around�let's look at some ways in which this is true.


Have you ever noticed how natural it is for children to play pretend? They'll pretend to be anything from a pet dog to a fireman to you, and they certainly do commit to their roles. Children love to act out the various roles they see in the world around them. This is an awesome exercise in imagination and creation, but it is also a great way for them to develop their self identity while at the same time learning to understand the world.

They also learn a lot about focus while acting�simply because they take their characters so seriously. Children really do go to great lengths to mimic their models as best as they know how�just watch how tediously a child performs all of the tasks they know to be involved with cooking while they are tossing together an imaginary meal in a toy kitchen. Building Blocks, Lincoln Logs, and Legos

These types of games are great for kids, and it's the sort of thing that kids will find themselves enraptured in. I remember as a child, I'd turn anything into a common building block, from coins to dominos to books. Heck, we'd even turn couch cushions into building blocks for building fortresses.

This type of game is great for a child because it gives them hands on experience with how the physical world responds to their interaction. It can be a great introduction into the fields of science when it comes down to it. Legos and other similar toys really help a child to develop their creativity and build confidence, and these types of games typically draw other children in, so it is also a chance for them to learn about how to interact with other children.

Creative Expression

Any game that takes creativity, like those mentioned above, certainly allows for creative expression, but in this case, I am referring to the arts. Painting, drawing, dancing, music�anytime a child decides to create something out of nothing. My favorite thing about this type of expression is that your art can truly capture the imagination forever and become a passion that never dies.

Outdoor Play

Never forget how crucial physical exercise is for a child either. Running around outside, climbing on things, roughhousing�it is all great for developing their physical body. They build motor skills and hand-eye coordination. They work their cardiovascular system, and develop endurance. They learn to balance.

And it doesn't stop there. Playing with other children in an outdoor environment also puts them in unique situations where they have to learn to work with other children and confront the small challenges that come with doing so. Add in the much-needed effect of sunshine and fresh air, and I could go on all day about the benefits of a child just going outside and letting loose.

If you take a look at just about any type of play, you will find there are real benefits for your children. And when you reach that perspective, you see that it is much more than a means of entertaining them and killing some time; it is something that should be planned and leveraged for their best interest.
About The Author
Getting children enthusiastic about outdoor play becomes a lot easier if you provide the right outdoor environment. Check out some of the sturdy wooden playsets offered at now!
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