
5 Most Effective Ways To Get Children To Eat Their Veggies

Trying to get your child to eat veggies is one of the most challenging part of parenting.

With a few simple tricks up your sleeves this never ending battle may be nearly won.

So I hear you asking yourself what how can I get my child to eat their veggies without any fuss, without raising your voice and without and resistance?

Follow these 5 simple tips to effectively get your child to eat fuss free

1. Tip one is simple, disguise the veggies. Add grated carrot to pasta sauce, make tuna patties with mashed potatoes and pureed corn, zucchini slice is a great tasting healthy dish that disguises the zucchini and with any doubt your child will love it. Another great way to disguise veggies is to puree then with a blender and add them to cakes and slices. You can virtually add any pureed veggies to anything that you cook.

Remember that it does not matter how your child eats their veggies as long as they are getting the daily recommended amount.

Here a great tip puree left over veggies put them in a seal-able bag and freeze them. Take them out and add them to your cooking for extra vegetables.

2. Make meals funny by making it into funny faces a plate with mashed potato as hair, zucchini circles as eyes, carrot stick as a nose, peas for cheeks and corn for a mouth.

Colorful and funny what child would not want to eat that? Make it fun too by singing and been silly by saying things like �oh you at his nose now how is he going to smell�. This is a great way to get your child to eat veggies and is a great way to interact with your child.

3.Getting your child to help make dinner or snacks is another great way to encourage your child to eat their veggies. It has been proven that if a child makes their own food then they are more likely to eat it or at least try it! Getting some veggies into them is better than nothing at all!

4.This tip requires some creativeness name the vegetables on their plate.

You can have:

Popping peas


Crazy carrots

Bouncing beans

Silly spinach

Squishy silver beat

My 3 year old even decided the other night that all his veggies were baby dinosaur eggs and he was the big T-Rex and gobbled them all up.

This is just a few you and your child can make up your own!

5.The last and final tip is pretty simple, make meal time fun and enjoyable. Try not to get upset angry and do not force your child to eat. By doing so you are just going to be providing a negative experience which will continue every time.

Some tips to remember

*children only eat child size portions. Don�t put a big meal in front of them and expect them to eat it all.

*children like some foods and don�t like others just like you, with that said getting your child to at least try everything on their plate is a good start.

*set good examples if you want your child to eat all their meal you should to.
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