
5 Tips for Encouraging Kids to Act More Like Kids

Who doesn't like to see a couple kid's having the time of their lives�laughing, running circles around each other, and revealing the complexity of a growing imagination? Even those who have never been parents find their hearts warmed by the sight of kids at play. But unfortunately, modern trends are leading to kids getting less play time and spending more time playing video games or trying too hard to be adults too fast.

Here are 5 tips to encourage more playful recreation in your children so they can get all the benefits that come out of that�like natural development of cognition skills and a healthy body�while you sit back and enjoy the benefits of happy children.

1. Schedule Play Time

I hate to say it, but a necessary horror of our modern lives is that sometimes we have to schedule time for our kids to play or it's just never going to happen. In most families, both of the parents have to work and we are always running around from one place to the next�we just don't have the time anymore. So if there really is no other option, it's best to set your dates and keep them rather than not give them the chance to let loose at all.

2. Goof Off With Them

If you're too serious to ever get on your kid's level, chances are they will eventually begin to follow your example. After all, our children learn by mimicking. So learn to lighten up from time to time and goof off with your child. Play imagination games, make funny faces, and just be altogether silly.

Have you ever noticed that there are certain adults that all kids just love? Watch what that person does when they are around children. More often than not, they are the ones to start off the playing around before the kids ever do�they just "get it," and their example is a good one to follow.

3. Don't be Too Controlling

Sometimes adults can be a bit too controlling about kids at play. "Don't climb on that." "Keep it down." "Don't play so rough." "Go play outside." To be sure, sometimes these things need saying, and I'm not suggesting you let your children walk all over you and give up your responsibilities as a parent, but know when enough is enough. Sometimes you need to just let them have a go at it.

The same is true about more structured play, like board games or art projects. If you're doing something like this with your child and they start breaking the "rules" or doing it in a way that you know won't get the best results, resist the urge to show them the "right way" to do things. Let your child color outside the lines when they want to�this is how they develop their creative potential.

4. Make it Social

Nothing inspires a kid to be more playful than being around other kids. This is just what they naturally do when they get together. So encourage them to spend time with other kids and allow their friends to come "spend the night" from time to time. It's how children socialize, and it's very healthy.

5. Provide a Playful Environment

Finally, you might want to consider creating a space just for playing at home. When they're not at school, they are most often going to be home. Consider setting up some playground equipment and a trampoline in your front yard. The interesting thing is that even if the equipment is set up one in one designated area, the whole yard will suddenly become subject to their energy and imagination.
About The Author
If you want to find out more about what types of equipment is available on the market today, do some searching around. You can start your search at, where you'll find a large inventory of high quality kid's play sets and New Jersey swing sets. Click on the link now.

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