
Combating Laziness In Your Children Is Easy With These Great Tips

While diet often bears the brunt of the blame by experts looking at how overweight many children are these days, many of them dangerously so, another one of the culprits is lifestyle. If you look at the amount of sitting the average person does these days, it's no wonder our bodies are not in tip top shape. We sit at our computers while working, sit in our cars, sit while eating, sit in the living room at home, and our kids even sit through most of the school day.

Give them a little time to play around and what do they do? Sit in front of the TV to watch movies or shoot each other in a virtual computer world.

But with some intervention on your part, you can break some of the bad habits modern children are developing and give them a gift worth giving�an inclination for an active lifestyle. Here are some tips on getting you started.

Make and Enforce Rules

Don't you love being the parent? Hey, you're the boss here, so use it to everyone's advantage. I remember when I was a kid and adults used to love to rub it in by saying annoying things like "because I said so" or "I don't care if you like it or not." Hey, we listened didn't we?

And more often than not, the "misery" they were subjecting us to against our will was better for us than whatever we had previously been doing. Funny how an order to go outside and find something better to do could end up being one of the best play sessions we ever had.

Start making rules, and in some cases, don't be afraid to be a little authoritarian. I don't mean to control their every thought and little action, but if it's time for them to get off their butt and go find something to do outdoors, say so. Give them chores even�gasp!

At the very least, give them set times when they can be indoors watching television, and stick to them.

Become More Active

You can do a lot for teaching your children to be more active by being more active yourself. Hey, they learn a lot of their behavior from us lazy bums (not a crack at you�I've been guilty myself at times). In any event, these are not your trends, they are societal trends, but by becoming the type of person who's always out doing things, and involving your children, you will spend a lot more time with them while teaching them the habits they need to know.

Make Outdoor Excitement Regular

While you're developing your active lifestyle, full of side hobbies, good eating, and trips to the gym, make regular planned activity trips a thing for the whole family. Become a group of dorky weekend warriors. Bring them out to do exciting things like going camping, hiking, or playing at the beach.

What kid doesn't love these types of things?

Whether or not your kids develop lazy habits and sedentary lifestyle is largely within your control. I realize it won't always be easy to find the time it takes to make these things happen, but such is the life of a modern parent. If you want healthy children, you may have to make some sacrifices here and there to make that happen, even if it means a slight income reduction.
About The Author
It's a lot easier to bark your kids outside when you've got some great active equipment waiting for them. Check out some outdoor swing sets and wooden playsets made by Superior Play at
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