
Tutoring Help

Tutoring for individuals with Learning Disabilities

From my junior high school to college career, I had to study doubly hard as the rest of the students because I had a learning disability. The teachers and doctors never could exactly diagnose what disability I had but believed it was a mild kind of Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. I'd need to work and study harder than anyone within my class simply to get C+ range grades. Repetition was the main element I would need to study again and again to memorize the information. I often would have to depend upon tricks to get the information to stick in my head.

It was always frustrating having to work so desperately at getting information to stay in my head. Most of the other students within my high school and college classes seemed to be doing fine and could memorize without a problem. But right around my junior year in high school I stumbled upon the true secret to my success at school. It wasn't repeating the information as often as needed, it absolutely was having a tutor. Having a tutor allowed me to have a personal teacher in the room beside me that I could ask any questions. It also allowed my tutor to seek out items that worked for me and what wouldn't. The personal attention is exactly what I needed and allowed me to get better grades. I was a touch apprehensive about having to leave my tutor when I left home for school.

When I got to college among the initial things I did was to try to look for a tutor for me since I knew I couldn't do without one. I visited my professors as well as the disability services building and had little help selecting a tutor for my classes. Finally after using one of the online tutor searching websites I had been capable of finding a nearby tutor. Finding a tutor online was great for me because I was able to read about the tutor before I started with him as well as read other people's reviews about him. And the best part about the whole thing was that he only charged $25 hourly. He was much cheaper than my

My college tutor over time begun to learn my strengths and weakness and areas that I needed extra help with. He also could determine the most effective way for me to learn with my learning disability. My college grades did start to improve again and I actually stopped worrying about failing out of college. Had I not had the opportunity to search for a online, I probably never would've found one.
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Mark is local tutoring expert Mark can also help you
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