
#HomeSchooling Information You Dont Hear About..

For many of us who don�t particularly like the public school system, we think that home schooling may be the perfect answer. You can teach your child the things you want him to know in a one on one environment, and you will be there to ensure he knows the material completely before moving on to the next subject. You will assign his homework, and grade it to be certain he thoroughly understands and remembers what you are teaching him in class. You don�t have to worry about him being exposed to illnesses and bad attitudes that often run amok in public and private schools alike. Considering all of these reasons why would you even think about not home schooling your child?

The previous information about home schooling is what is so often published to try to sway you to home school your children, but are they being up front and honest, telling you everything that you need to know? Of course, many of you already know that the answer to that question is no. You need to be aware of the bad things that come along with home schooling, so that you can make the best decision for both you and your child.

You need to remember that your child�s academic success or failure will weigh solely on your shoulders, so if you slip, if you don�t assign homework, or if you don�t make him do his homework, or settle down long enough to learn, then you are to blame. You have to be certain that your child stays on the same academic level as his peers, and if he isn�t do whatever it takes to get and keep him there.

One of the good and possibly bad parts of home schooling is that you get to spend almost all of your time together with your children. This is good in that you develop a closer relationship, and you know what is going on, without having to rely on someone else to nurture and teach your child. The bad part of this is that when your child is having a bad day, or you are having a bad day, you can�t take him to school, go somewhere and relax, and then pick him up later. You have to deal with the tantrums and bad behavior all on your own, so you need to make sure that you have enough patience to do so.

You also need to remember that teaching your child will become your full time job. Your husband will become the sole source of your family�s income, and you will have to learn how to cut corners to stretch your budget as far as possible. If you can�t live on that budget, or if it will cause undue stress and strain on your marriage, then home schooling may not be the best route to take at this time.

You can�t be a pushover for your child; you have to make him do his lessons and his homework, no matter how much he tries to convince you otherwise. No one loves your child like his parents, but you have to be strong enough to make him do the things that are best for him, even if he doesn�t realize it at the time.

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Aldwin Pet owns

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