
Cut Them Loose on the World: 5 Healthy Activities for Children

As parents, we constantly worry about the types of activities our children spend their precious time on. We want them to do things that promote a healthy lifestyle and produce constructive thought processes. We also want them to get the exercise, both mental and physical, that they need. But it takes conscious decisions on your part to make sure they develop constructive habits and hobbies�here are 5 activities you may want to make an effort to promote to your children.

1. Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts provide a great outlet for creativity, and many children will be so enraptured by the process that they become a part-time artist (if not full-time) of some type for the rest of their life. Art inspires us and gives us a chance to build something out of nothing�an amazing exercise in the power of the human brain. And on top of it all, something that inspires so much passion in them keeps them away from more destructive behaviors as they enter their teen years.

2. Board Games

With the advent of super-evolved video games with out-of-this world graphic design, board games have become a bit of a thing of the past. But a child can get a lot more out of sitting down with you to a board game than gluing themselves to the TV in their bedroom (ditch the TV in the bedroom, while you're at it, by the way).

Not to mention that a lot of board games provide a chance to exercise the mind. They may be more structured than the act of simply creating, as in art, but within that structure, specific skills are typically emphasized.

3. Music

Music is another healthy outlet for human expression, and the skills your child develops can open a lot of doors for them as they age. Consider buying them a simple recorder or a child's drum set. As they get older, they may want to learn piano, guitar, violin, or flute. Some children may even take a liking to the less popular harmonica.

One good thing to keep in mind, however, is that regimented music instruction may be beyond a young child's attention span. Let them do their own thing at first, and when they get older, they will likely become more interested in producing something that doesn't sound like car crash.

4. Dance

Dance classes are a fantastic way for a child to develop their motor skills, strengthen their posture, and stay limber. Not to mention it works their cardiovascular system and improves circulation as well. Get your child involved in dance lessons, and you're setting a foundation for a much more active, healthy future.

5. Good Old Fashioned Play

Everything in life doesn't have to be so serious as ballet or a game of chess. Sometimes, kids just need to have the freedom to let loose, and experts say that the games kids play in a typical American backyard are the natural process humans use to build cognitive skills and keep their bodies in shape.

So don't frown on their games of "pretend"�the chances are they know exactly what they're doing, even if they don't know exactly what it is they're doing.
About The Author
A great way to encourage this time for free play is to designate a corner of your yard for doing just that very thing. Invest in some high-quality play equipment, such as swings, a slide, monkey bars, and a trampoline, and let them make their own world out of the yard. To find out more about purchasing kid's play sets and Princeton swing sets, click on the link and go to now.

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