City Hospital | 031 309 4646 | www.callupcontact.com/cityhospital |
Hibiscus Private Hospital | 039 688 9960 | http://www.hph.co.za/ |
Isipingo Hospital | 031 902 2332 | www.hospitalsworldwide.com/isipingo |
Lenmed Shifa Private Hospital | 086 120 8811 | www.lenmedhealth.co.za/shifa |
Life Chatsmed Garden Hospital | 031 459 8000 | www.lifehealthcare.co.za/chatsmedgarden |
Life Empangeni Garden Clinic | 035 902 8000 | www.lifehealthcare.co.za/empangenigarden |
Life Mount Edgecombe Hospital | 031 539 3311 | www.lifehealthcare.co.za/mountedgecombe |
Life The Crompton Hospital | 031 702 0777 | www.lifehealthcare.co.za/thecrompton |
Life Westville Hospital | 031 265 0911 | www.lifehealthcare.co.za/westville |
Mediclinic Pietermaritzburg | 033 845 3700 | www.mediclinic.co.za/pietermaritzburg |
Midlands Medical Centre | 033 341 5000 | www.midlandsmedicalcentre.co.za/ |
Netcare Alberlito Hospital | 032 946 6700 | www.netcare.co.za/alberlito |
Netcare Kingsway Hospital | 031 904 7000 | www.netcare.co.za/kingsway |
Netcare Margate Hospital | 039 312 7300 | www.netcare.co.za/margate |
Netcare Parklands Hospital | 031 242 4000 | www.netcare.co.za/parklands |
Netcare St Anne's Hospital | 033 897 5000 | www.netcare.co.za/stannes |
Netcare St Augustine's Hospital | 031 268 5000 | www.netcare.co.za/staugustines |
Netcare The Bay Hospital | 035 780 6111 | www.netcare.co.za/thebay |
Netcare Umhlanga Hospital | 031 560 5500 | www.netcare.co.za/umhlanga |
Newcastle Private Hospital | 034 317 0000 | www.newcastleprivatehospital.com.au/ |
Pongola Hospital | 034 413 1372 | www.medpages.co.za/pongola |
Victoria Hospital | 032 944 5061 | www.mediclinic.co.za/victoria |
Please note
Check with the hospital if they have the following:- Private rooms
- Semi-private rooms
- Theatre for caesar
- Active birth unit
- Shower in labour
- Bath in labour
- Epidural
- Mobile epidural
- Pethedine
- Aterax
- Entonox
- Nursery
- Neonatal care unit
- Birthing balls
- Water birth
- Private midwife
- Midwife delivery
- Electrofoetal monitoring
- Fluids
- Movement
- Birth plan
- Skin-to-skin after vaginal birth
- Skin-to-skin after caesar
- Breastfeeding
- Immunisation