Here is a list of hospitals and contact numbers within the Free State province.HOSPITAL | CONTACT NUMBER | LINK TO WEBSITE |
Bloemfontein Mediclinic | 051 404 6612 | www.mediclinic.co.za/bloemfonteinhospital |
Hoogland Mediclinic | 058 307 2000 | www.mediclinic.co.za/hooglandhospital |
Life Rosepark Hospital | 051 505 5111 | www.lifehealthcare.co.za/roseparkhospital |
Netcare Kroon Hospital | 056 215 1881 | www.netcare.co.za/kroonhospital |
Netcare Vaalpark Hospital | 016 971 9000 | www.netcare.co.za/vaalparkhospital |
Pelonomi Private Hospital | 051 407 1611/2 | www.hospitals-cape-town-south-africa/pelonomi |
Riemland Kliniek | 058 813 2771 | www.sayellow.com/riemlandclinic |
Welkom Mediclinic | 057 916 5555 | www.mediclinic.co.za/welkomhospital |
Please note
Check with the hospital if they have the following:- Private rooms
- Semi-private rooms
- Theatre for caesar
- Active birth unit
- Shower in labour
- Bath in labour
- Epidural
- Mobile epidural
- Pethedine
- Aterax
- Entonox
- Nursery
- Neonatal care unit
- Birthing balls
- Water birth
- Private midwife
- Midwife delivery
- Electrofoetal monitoring
- Fluids
- Movement
- Birth plan
- Skin-to-skin after vaginal birth
- Skin-to-skin after caesar
- Breastfeeding
- Immunisation