
Teaching Generosity to Children

As parents, we try to instill in our children our values. For many of us, a generous spirit is central to those values. Generous people not only contribute much to the world, but are themselves rewarded in terms of the loyalty, respect and the friendship of others. Research has even shown a link between altruism and physical and emotional health. Generosity is a win-win proposition. Here are some explicit ways to foster generosity in a child:

1. For the youngest children, teach them early the value of sharing. Emphasize how it brings joy to others, and praise their efforts. Sharing is the basis of generosity. Help older children adapt to different kinds of people, and encourage them to see things from others� points of view.

2. Encourage young children to spontaneously make gifts for others, cards, pictures, and crafts. Over time, giving will become second nature to them.

3. Teach children to do simple things like pick up after themselves. Expect them to do chores around the house which are age appropriate. This will teach them that they need to be responsible for themselves and considerate of others. They will learn that they should not leave things for others to take care of.

4. Ask older children to teach their younger siblings things they know: how to do household chores, the rules of games, and even homework if they are able. This teaches both the older and younger children that we help each other out when we have the means to do so.

5. If your child has money or an allowance, require him to donate a certain portion of it to charity. Allow your child to choose the charity, and have him donate the money personally if possible. This makes giving more concrete for the child.

6. Encourage your children to give back to the community. Choose a volunteer activity that you can participate in as a family.

7. Encourage generosity of spirit and thoughtfulness. If the child knows somebody going through a hard time or is down in the dumps, ask your child to think of ways to be helpful to that person. Could he offer to shovel an elderly neighbor�s driveway? Bring his father his newspaper and coffee when he is feeling ill? Or make a card for someone who just lost a pet?

8. Encourage your child to spend time with the sick, lonely or elderly. Being generous is not just about giving things, it is about giving of yourself. There are few things that mean more to a lonely person than a visit. Teach your child how to show interest in the other person. Maybe your child can play a favorite game with the person he visits.

9. During the holiday season, ask your child to pick some toys to give away as a charitable contribution.

10. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, model generosity for your children. Help people in need, demonstrate politeness and thoughtfulness. Your child will observe you in action and internalize this stance towards life.
About The Author
Cindy Jett, LICSW is a psychotherapist and author of Harry the Happy Caterpillar Grows, an acclaimed picture book that helps children adapt to change. For more information, visit
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