
Give your kid a name start in business

The fact that God takes naming very seriously, is a great heads up that perhaps we should too. Now it’s too late if you’ve already bestowed upon your child a wonder name – but for those who have yet to do the honours, you may want to seriously consider what name you call your little snot nosed legacy. Will my child be able to take his or her name boldy onto the playground without risking a wedgie? Will they be able to confidently write their name on their first CV draft? The pressure is on you parent! I mean, seriously, when last did you employ someone in your PR department by the name of Gaylord? And would you trust someone with a name like Randy to manage your business? has put together a list of the 9 Manliest Names in the World, these are real life names that have clearly helped these guys along the way. # 9 – Lance Armstrong It’ impossible to hear this name without picturing many men getting impaled on a battlefield. He’ got the lance, and he’ got the arm strength to drive it through you and the four guys standing behind you. # 8 – Powers Boothe A strong, solid name. The first name especially leaves the reader wondering, “What kind of powers? Mind control? Flight? Laser-beam eyes? It’s laser-beam eyes, isn’t it?” # 7 – Max Planck Great name. It’ got the solid “Max” and the mental image of a man as rigid and unyielding as a thick piece of lumber. A name like this, you’re probably either a carpenter or pirate. # 6 – Commander Flex Plexico This guy is a walking action figure. This one almost defies analysis, because what kind of parents call their kid “Flex?” Awesome ones, that’s what kind. # 5 – Dr. Duncan Steel The title is what makes this one. This man gets to be called “Doctor Steel” on a daily basis. That is so awesome that we’re thinking of forming a heavy metal band just so we can call it that. # 4 – Stirling Mortlock When you think about it, this is a ridiculous name. Its individual names would not have worked in a different setting. “Stirling Smith” probably got a wedgie every day at school, and “Cecil Mortlock” very likely had his head dumped in the toilet nearly as often. However, its two halves manage to come out the other side of ridiculous into an amazing whole. # 3 – Magnus ver Magnusson Nordic naming conventions mean that his name essentially means “Magnus son of Magnus” which immediately brings to mind a line of men, all Magnuses, doing incredibly manly things through the ages. This is a damn solid entry, and you can never go wrong with a nice “Ver” or Von” or “Mac” in there somewhere. # 2 – Dick Pound Um … we actually aren’t quite sure why this one’s on the list, to be honest. Dick Pound? Hmmm. Dick Pound. An intern gave us this one. He insisted it be on the list. “Richard” isn’t especially manly, and neither is British currency. Is this a trick? Dick Pound. Dick … Pound. # 1 – Staff Sgt. Max Fightmaster Fightmaster is the kind of name we all wish we were born with. And, the irony is that it’ the one name that will prevent you from ever having to actually fight anybody. If you ever get into a scuffle at a bar, before the fists start swinging, people would pull the other guy back shouting, “No you fool! He’s Max Fightmaster! Think about this for a second!” Inspiring stuff. Read their full name bio’s here. Shane Dryden is the 'Maven' at Ideate. The driving-force of Yuppiechef, Shane loves to write on advertising and innovation. He spots the non-obvious stuff behind the obvious, which seems obvious, but isn’t really that obvious (obviously). View more articles by Shane. - See more at:

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