
First aid

Quick first aid advice from Netcare 911:
First aid
Quick first aid advice from Netcare 911:

First aid advice

Bruises and black eyes

  • Apply ice


  • Wash the area with soap and water, and apply an antibacterial ointment

Minor cuts

  • Apply direct pressure until bleeding stops, wash with soap and water and cover with a dressing or bandage (obtain medical assistance if bleeding does not subside)

Deep cuts

  • Apply pressure to slow bleeding and obtain medical assistance

Chemical splash

  • Flush eyes with running water for at least fifteen minutes. Gently cover both eyes with eye pads, secure loosely with a bandage and obtain medical assistance


  • Do not give the child anything to eat or drink. Get medical help immediately. If vomiting occurs, keep it for analysis by the attending doctor

Minor burn

  • Apply cool, running water. Cover burn with a towel soaked in cold water until pain stops

Severe burn

• Cover burns with a towel soaked in water to reduce pain. Do not apply cold water or ice as this may cause more tissue damage. Remove towel and replace with a clean dry sheet. Do not break blisters. Get medical assistance

Crushed fingers

• Hold fingers under cold, running water or apply an ice pack if the skin is not broken. Get medical help if deep cuts are present or the child has difficulty moving their fingers

Objects in the nose or ear

  • Unless the object can be easily seen and removed, get medical help

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