#6 Life is Lonesome For Single Men The bar graph here speaks out loud for single men. It clearly shows that single men must be finding it very difficult to get laid, for a maximum number of them have sex just once a month or even less. In contrast, men who are in a relationship fare make love once a week, with a slightly lower percentage scoring around 2-3 times a week. Men and promiscuity are synonymous- a fact amply proved by the pie chart in the picture. Just 9% of the men have had a single partner, whereas 38% said they have had anywhere between 2-10 lovers. Twelve percent of the men even said that they have had more than 50 partners!

#5 V-Day Celebrations
A Survey Just a quick glimpse through the graphic presentation of the data in this picture shows you that Valentine’s Day certainly calls for celebrations among people. After all, according to the survey, 72% said that they would be celebrating the universal day of love. Sixty-six percent said that they would mark the occasion by taking their significant other out for a fancy dinner, while 50% said that they would make do with just flowers. But one important trend that the survey brought to light was that if individuals were in a relationship, a majority, 69% to be precise, expected sex only because it was Valentine’s Day.

#4 It’s safe to say men are lying if they say they don’t watch porn.
According to the pie chart in this image, a whopping majority of men, 82% to be precise, watch porn. Thirty-five percent of them watch it a few times per week whereas, 33% of them watch it a few times per month. For the avidity with which men seem to be watching porn, the next data comes as a bit of a surprise. 49% say that watching porn has had no effect on them. The rest either say that they have become better in bed, have unrealistic expectations from their partners or use it as a substitute for dating. Obviously, the former category of men is lying; the other three categories are being more truthful!

#3 Men do not like weird sex positions…or standing.
As per the data shown pictorially in this image, men prefer not to have sex in weird positions. They are more comfortable with the usually techniques and in fact, even do not like sex while standing. Thirty-one percent said that they like the cow-girl position while making love, followed by 29% who said they preferred the doggie-style of having sex. Also, 27% of the men said they enjoy sex in the missionary position. It also appears as if men are a visual lot who like shooting pictures and videos. Fifty seven percent of the men said they had shot their partners in their birthday suits while having sex.

#2 Some men definitely want that birth control pill
Men enjoy having sex, but like women do not unwanted pregnancies- a fact amply highlighted by the data given in this image. Fifty four percent of the men said that they would be happy to take a birth control pill, if one for males was available. 10% were a bit more cautious for they said they would take the pill if it caused no adverse side-effects. As far as self-consciousness during sex was concerned, while 43% of the men said that when naked they felt conscious about their stomachs, 39% remarked that they were too busy looking at their partners to be self-conscious at all. Whoever said that men were the shy type?

#1 But, basically…the survey says 99.9999% of men are liars…
Men are born liars, many have said this many a times. And they are quite right in saying so if this data given in the image is anything to go by. According to this survey, 48% of the men lied to women that they were interested in forging a lasting relationship with her to get her to bed. The percent of men giving other excuses such as having more money, being single and having a better job for wooing partners for sex was much less. This shows that where having sex is concerned, men know women’s biggest weakness- their emotional temperament.

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